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Paul Farmer: A Life Dedicated to Healing the World
Paul Farmer the renowned Harvard physician, and medical anthropologist who famously said, "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world," and who dedicated his career to righting that wrong by delivering high-quality health care to some of the most devastated regions of the world, died this week at age 62. While the world mourns the loss of this towering fig... posted on Feb 22 2022, 7,078 reads


On Meeting Loss, Finding Life
"If we are able to see that loss can teach us and fear can reveal our edges and priorities, we can begin to understand that grief is part of a natural process of transformation, and more so now, as we face radical uncertainty. We also can discover that healthy grieving can be relational, and in other societies grieving and mourning are shared experiences. So being transparent with others about our... posted on Feb 21 2022, 11,304 reads


RIE: More Than An Unusual Parenting Theory
"RIE is centered on the idea that infants and toddlers are whole people worthy of respect. It gets attention for some weird recommendations, like how we should ask babies' permission before changing a diaper or picking them up and how we should avoid distracting toddlers from a tantrum or seating them in a high chair. But underneath all that is something profound. A theory of how to build a relati... posted on Feb 20 2022, 3,884 reads


Understory: A Journey into the Tongass National Forest
Tongass National Forest, the largest temperate rainforest in the world, is in jeopardy. Covering most of southeastern Alaska, it is part of the world's last intact temperate rainforests which spans from Northern California to Alaska. Three friends who care deeply about the perils to the forest caused by the logging of old growth trees, document the "battle against short sighted greed and the ruin... posted on Feb 19 2022, 1,799 reads


Starling Murmurations: The Science Behind Nature's Great Display
"Watching starling murmurations as the birds swoop, dive and wheel through the sky is one of the great pleasures of a dusky winters evening. From Naples to Newcastle these flocks of agile birds are all doing the same incredible acrobatic display, moving in perfect synchrony. But how do they do it? Why dont they crash? And what is the point?"... posted on Feb 18 2022, 5,135 reads


Writing a Better Story
"When I wrote the song Writing A Better Story I was in the process of doing some very deep inner work, which included stories of personal trauma but also legacy burdens that had been carried for generations and finally given to me. There are stories I carry and you carry that support us, sustain us, inspire us to be kinder better people and work for the better kinder world. There are stories we ... posted on Feb 17 2022, 4,916 reads


10 Life-Changing Perspectives On Anger
We all have had our moments of impatience, rage and frustration...but how do these moments affect our lives? Get curious about anger, and you just might discover an untapped well of vital energy that improves your life circumstances and wakes you up to the whole of life. This article offers 10 powerful perspectives on anger. ... posted on Feb 16 2022, 205,983 reads


Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation
"There are plenty of books that teach how to influence the behavior of others, but anyone who's set a personal goal knows it's a lot tougher to apply those lessons inward. Ayelet Fishbach, a behavioral science and marketing professor at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, has written a new book that can help. Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation, which w... posted on Feb 15 2022, 3,330 reads


Robert Lax: A Life Slowly Lived
"Robert Lax was an American writer and poet who developed a unique style of abstract poetry, described by Jack Kerouac as 'one of the great original voices of our time'. He was also a contemplative who, outside of a formal monastic context, adopted a lifestyle based upon simplicity and prayer which was an inspiration to his many friends and visitors. Thomas Merton, his closest friend, immortalised... posted on Feb 14 2022, 6,364 reads


The Really Terrible Orchestra
"Some years ago, a group of frustrated people in Scotland decided that the pleasure of playing in an orchestra should not be limited to those who are good enough to do so, but should be available to the rankest of amateurs. So we founded the Really Terrible Orchestra, an inclusive orchestra for those who really want to play, but who cannot do so very well. Or cannot do so at all, in some cases. My... posted on Feb 13 2022, 7,943 reads


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Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.

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